Nominera till KG Parents stipendium!

Alla elever som bidragit med särskilda insatser för skolans och elevernas bästa kan nomineras. Stipendium delas ut till elever som under lång tid initierat, drivit och/eller aktivt bidragit till aktiviteter och insatser. 

Även elever som tagit initiativ eller aktivt bidragit till aktivitet som gynnat en särskild sektion eller som bidragit till uppmärksamhet på en särskild fråga kan få stipendium.

Flera stipendier delas ut och glöm inte att även gott kamratskap för en större grupp  premieras. Nominera genom att ladda ner formuläret som ni hittar här: Nominering, KG Parents stipendium

Call for nominations for the KG Parents scholarship!

Any student can be nominated if you think they have contributed to the good of the school and fellow KG students, especially above and beyond the usual expectations.

What is the criteria? Scholarships are awarded to students who have initiated, run and/or actively contributed to school/student activities and events during their time at KG.

This includes students who took the initiative or actively contributed to an activity that benefited a particular section. They can also have brought attention to a particular issue.  Also considered for scholarship: a student who regularly took the role of good friend and classmate to help and support those in need.

There are more than one scholarship available to be awarded. Nominate via this link: Nominering, KG Parents stipendium

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